Planning Appeal won for Torrington 181 dwelling scheme
In March 2020, PEP helped win at Appeal, a 181 dwelling scheme on the edge of Torrington, near Exeter, Devon.
PEP has been involved in the proposals at Caddywell Lane and Burwood Lane in three fields to the south of Great Torrington since 2015, firstly securing planning permission for 60 new homes at the site.
The application was resubmitted in 2019 after Torridge District Council refused an initial application from Beechcroft Land for the 181 homes in June 2018. It was refused by Torridge District Council in August 2019, who said the proposals were an unjustified development within the countryside, with insufficient provision for contributions to housing, education, transport and open space.
The main transport issues were traffic for local residents particularly around the Bluecoat School, and the sustainability of the site. An Inquiry was held in January 2020 at which Andrew Kenyon gave evidence.
Transport Assessments and Travel Plans
For all applications Transport Assessments were prepared to assess the schemes in terms of accessibility, and traffic and safety impact on the road network. Travel Plans were also prepared to make sure that sustainable travel measures were integrated into the proposals. PEP also developed the site access road design horizontally and vertically through this steep site, taking into account the nature of the existing lane through the site, hedgerows and trees, which were to be retained as part of the proposals as a ‘green lane’.
The Transport Appeal Evidence prepared for the planning inquiry addressed council and third party queries/objections to the scheme confirming that a satisfactory site access could be achieved. It was agreed that the level of traffic would not have a material or severe impact on the traffic capacity or road safety of the local road network including the adjacent school.
PEP also worked with the council to improve existing local bus services as part of an agreed Section 106, which would be a benefit to existing as well as proposed residents.
Added benefits to local area
Andrew Kenyon at PEP commented, “The 50 space car park for the Bluecoat School and associated road, footpaths and visibility improvements were a fundamental part of bringing the full development forward and has been an excellent outcome for developer and local area.”
Two appeal wins in one month
PEP won another appeal in the same month. The team helped successfully overturn the refusal for a KFC drive thru’ restaurant to be built later this year at Whiteley, just off the M27 in Winchester, Hampshire. Read about it here.
Map: Google