Peter Evans Partnership | News
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Filton, Shield Retail Centre – Development of student accommodation for 99 students

Pending S106, the development of student accommodation has been permitted on the site of a former Brewers Fayre pub at the Shield Retail Centre in Filton, South Gloucestershire. PEP was originally appointed at the feasibility stage to redevelop the former South Gloucestershire Shield House College building to the retail park which is present today, and with each subsequent Phase we have considered a number of feasibility options considering layout, traffic, parking and servicing. We were able to confirm that the latest proposals would not have an impact on the operation of the wider retail park in terms of traffic and parking.READ MORE

Travel Packs PEP

Travel Packs: PEP getting the show on the road

Travel Packs prepared on Thursday, delivered on Tuesday for the new homeowners’ arrival on Thursday. We’d call that a slick operation from the PEP team.

We consciously left the printing as late as possible in order to ensure the information was completely up-to-date in light of Covid-19’s impact on travel.READ MORE