Peter Evans Partnership | PEP’s Transport Statement helps win planning permission for affordable homes in Nailsea
Peter Evans Partnership produced the Transport Statement on behalf of Alliance Homes for the redevelopment of an existing garage site into four residential apartments for affordable rent tenure.
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PEP’s Transport Statement helps win planning permission for affordable homes in Nailsea

In June 2021 North Somerset Council granted permission for an affordable housing scheme for Alliance Homes in Nailsea. The scheme will transform an existing garage site into four residential apartments for affordable rent tenure. Peter Evans Partnership produced the Transport Statement on behalf of Alliance Homes for the redevelopment.

The scheme involves the demolition of 19 lock-up garages and the erection of four 2-bedroom affordable apartments in French Close in Nailsea, 8 miles southwest of Bristol. Nailsea is a commuter town in Somerset with a population of just under 16,000.

Each apartment will have one single and one double bedroom, plus parking and cycle storage provision, and private garden spaces for the ground floor flats. The site is on the edge of the town centre.

The Transport Statement produced by PEP focused on the fact that the garages were no longer used to park vehicles and that the redevelopment would not adversely affect on-street parking for the local area.

PEP undertook a survey of the garages and their use, together with a car parking survey, plus photographs of French Close and neighbouring roads

PEP’s appraisal addressed accessibility by non-car means, a review of the site layout and on-site parking provision, the affect on on-street parking and the impact of development traffic.

This development contributes to the 2000 affordable homes Alliance Homes plans to build over the next ten years.

PEP worked closely with Ferguson Mann, the appointed architect practice, on the access proposals.

Our Planning Application support takes many forms including Transport Assessments, Travel Plans, Environmental Statements, Design and Access Statements and Design Codes, and input into BREEAM assessments.

In addition our team can undertake all necessary site layout planning, junction and road design, parking and servicing strategies, detailed access and road design, discharge planning conditions, and traffic management.


Site plan drawing courtesy of Ferguson Mann Architects.