PEP steps in to provide highway access solution in New Milton
PEP was appointed by the Westerleigh Group to initially carry out due diligence on a site with planning consent for the New Forest Crematorium. PEP’s Highways Design team was subsequently retained to provide input to agree a revised highway access solution due to unsuitability of the access agreed at planning.
The crematorium is being built near Hampshire’s New Forest national park to serve the people of New Milton, Bournemouth, Christchurch and surrounding areas.
The site required a right turn lane junction off Stem Lane, a 60mph road and PEP successfully negotiated with the County Council having prepared the detailed design work and S278 Agreement for the scheme. This also included a soakaway to accommodate the additional highway drainage.
The adjacent Old Stem Lane is a lane used by pedestrians and cyclists that is crossed by the new site access. PEP designed a diversion for the footpath and cycleway and secured a traffic regulation order to close the Old Stem Lane during the construction phase.
Westerleigh Group is the UK’s largest independent owner and operator of crematoria and cemeteries, with 35 other sites across England, Scotland and Wales.
Bill Scott, Regional Manager of the Westerleigh Group, said: “New Forest Crematorium will reduce journey times for mourners, as well as offer the bereaved a wider choice of where to celebrate the lives of their loved ones.
PEP is currently working on proposals for crematoria in Staffordshire and Kent.
Aerial photo credit: Westerleigh Group
Illustration credit: Indigo Landscape who are providing the landscape design