Planning permission granted for Elm Park Primary School, South Glos
PEP was appointed by South Gloucestershire Council to assist with the proposals to provide a new £4.9 million school building on the existing Elm Park Primary School site. Permission was successfully granted in September 2020.
The school is located in the village of Winterbourne and serves the local community.
The new school will be built on the current staff car park and replace existing buildings which have become too expensive to maintain. The staff and students will move into the new building and the old school will be demolished. The new school will have spaces for 210 pupils, and facilities available for community use.
Documents provided included a Construction Traffic Management Plan
The PEP team prepared a Transport Statement, Travel Plan and Construction Traffic Management Plan for submission with the application.
A key requirement of the design was to achieve a suitable access for pedestrians and vehicles during all three stages of the build.
- short term during construction
- when the new building is first built
- and long term when the whole site is completed.
PEP attended the public consultation event at the school engaging with parents and nearby residents. We also organised a pupil travel survey to better understand current travel behaviour.
PEP has worked with South Gloucestershire on a number of education projects, as well as Bath & North East Somerset Council.
Travel Plans form a key part of the services provided by PEP. Our Plans can be designed to promote good health, reduce the carbon footprint, improve the local environment, as well as reduce travel costs, traffic congestion and parking pressure. Ultimately, we work with clients to develop a solution best suited to their needs.
Other projects
Other planning permission wins in 2020 include 200 dwellings in Torrington, Devon and a drive-thru restaurant in Whiteley, Hampshire. The latter was a full award of costs.
Image credit: South Gloucestershire Council