We assist with the preparation of all transport-related material for planning applications. We’re experts when it comes to the technical work and negotiations with highway authorities to assist you with your application.
Our support takes many forms including Transport Assessments, Travel Plans, Environmental Statements, Design and Access Statements and Design Codes, and input into BREEAM assessments.
Large sites often require Strategic Traffic modelling. We understand these requirements and can commission models and assess the results.
In addition our team undertakes all necessary site layout planning, junction and road design, parking and servicing strategies, detailed access and road design, discharge planning conditions, and traffic management.
If your application needs a Non-motorised User Audit or PERS/CERS assessment as part of a streetaudit, we have the relevant expertise to deliver these assessments for your site.
Safety audits are sometimes required for a planning submission. We can commission these and our team have extensive experience in addressing highway safety related matters and preparing Designers Responses.
We negotiate on conditions and contributions, and represent our clients’ interests at public inquiries and planning appeals as expert witnesses or as representatives at public consultations.